1/24 scale Crawler course :page 7

DISCLAIMER:Detailing building our indoor crawler course. What I thought would be a few day project...

Index: this page
Changes adding some ledges to Minuscule mtn....
2nd  Add small stream
3rd   Planning second mountain alternatives
4th   Mine dynamite storage and climb

All pages of this build
Part 1 the start, layout table, Minuscule Mtn. w/ Schmidts Mine & 3 hill climbs
Part 2 build Cathedral Rock, rope bridge and Twin Arches
Part 3 Start river, expand table, small arch bridge, detailing east of the river
Part 4 Minuscule Mtn fence rock spire w/Wile E coyote, greenery and small details
Part 5 Painting walls-Nothing to do with layout progress
Part 6 Start West of riveradd small balance rocks
Part 7 (This page) Layout basically done, add dynamite shack, minor changes, future plans, 3/2024

Layout was pretty much finished, just going back and adding making a few minor changes.

Originally planned was to a large difficult mountain west of river (bottom of pic).

But east side pretty much used space to point there just wasn't room. I added a few small features to west side to finish. Because difficult challenges were to be on west side (now deleted) going back to east side to add some difficulty to few sections. While a lot of fun nothing really challenges.

Earlier picture but specifically on Minuscule Mtn. There are 4 climbs. Stair step arch (layered) then easy climb, more difficult climb on right with V-notch between. The right side is fine, fairly steep a little difficult but doable by most so making it the easy route.

The V-notch is fun but its too short however cant change it. So adding some ledges and off camber angle to what was the easy climb.

Just showing profile. Bottom 1/3 fairly steep then levels out and easy. So adding ledges. .

Cut some ledges and added then plastered to blend.


Minor change but it is more interesting climbing, more of a challenge coming down.

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Add small stream...

Other change is add a small dry stream on west side. From the main river to end of layout. Basically just cutting west side in half, breaking up the flatness of it.

And cut, plastered. I didn't get any pictures of carving this but controlled gouging of the foam base was a mess.

This is where a shapable hot wire cutter would have been ideal.

Painted and started laying rock. Slight issue, as the stream gets smaller toward end of layout so must the rock. Which sorting the rock isn't a problem but cant lay free in stream bed, truck just plucks them out. Hot gluing individually due to size isn't practical. So without a means to place just stopped.

Again this isn't a crawling feature, simply visually to break up the flatness.

Picture doesn't really show but does add to appearance of layout, I like it. It would visually look better if rock in place but just the bed breaks up the flatness. I will pursue finishing the lava rock in stream.

Bit later finished the small stream.. Used method that some use for applying ballast (gravel) to train layouts.

Glued in a few small rock then filled remainder with sand

Stupid camera...Anyway, once sand down used small brush to sweep off rocks and bank.Then wet sand with rubbing alcohol. I have a small fine mist spray bottle but as creek is so small 3/4 of mist was on layout. Trick is to not disturb sand. Once lightly misted to settle sand changed to an eye dropper to thoroughly wet with rubbing alcohol. Amazing how it wicks thru the sand. I had experimented with just thinned glue and it would literally just bead on top of the sand. Once sand wetted with alcohol used the eye dropper very close to sand to drip 50% thinned white glue. Again amazing how the glue would wick into sand once wetted with alcohol. Couple of hours later reapplied more white glue.

Bit slow drop at a time but works. Especially the glue, didn't want to be spraying it all over. I've previously added sand in a few places on layout but had brushed glue on first, then sprinkled on sand. The wetting method is 100% better for controlling where you want sand.

This strictly a visual thing, just detail to layout. While doing this, I did manage to break off piece of outer barrier hitting with coffee cup.

There isn't anywhere to set stuff around layout other than small desk.

So mounted a piece of 1x6 for a shelf. Hokey but needed.

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Add tech climb... Other than driving and enjoying trying to see about replacement climb for the balancing rocks. While they are fun really want a more technical section. Which was what west side was supposed to be.

I have room for another layout board but would negate being able to walk around layout, at this point unwilling to sacrifice. So plotting Corner climb, couldn't be much larger footprint wise than the balance rocks so very limited, also limit height. I think I'll just get a some large boxes and start cutting up off layout. See what I can come up with-that and visit some more YouTube videos and what others have done that might work...TBD

Actually think a removeable climb might work. It could be bigger to allow for some serious climbs. Size would block/limit driving existing layout but removed would allow existing open driving. Have an approach from river , blend so it sets on top of small arch bridge for another approach, and drop onto the tray section. IF what I'm envisioning could be executed (unsure how I'd make) it would give tech section while retaining existing layout. Could become permanent. Hmmm more thought required, a lot more ...

If /when I actually do I'l add a page but wont be for quite a while..

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Add storage /rock climb in front of mine

Meantime completely side tracked. While playing with ideas for the tech climb, looking materials noted this piece of foam.

Would make a nice little climb. So carved it up. Cover top with cardboard. I was going to use plaster cloth to cover the holes in it. When looking where to place on layout decided over in front of Schmidts Mine. There's a lot of open area plus kind of wanted to add some details suggesting mining activity.

Which led to making little doors instead of covering holes. Like a storage area for the mine...

Which led to something that would be seen thru the open doors...

One thing leads to another.

Plaster coated and painted. Detail once mounted on layout

Anxious to see, kind a what it'll look like. Fun stuff.

But what this side track really did was give idea for the balance rock area. Instead of trying to build a large more technical climb (where I don't have room) is to use the existing balance rock tops and mount them to small risers like the mine rock. Mount them at different heights to achieve sort a continuous climb. Likely doesn't make any sense but have a vague plan... But its given me direction for redoing west of river. Several of these (sans Dynamite storage).

On the layout. Can drive over or around. Added some flickering leds. Someone left a light on or lit a fuse. That was fun- where its located behind the mine you cant really even see.

Making a porch for the mine office...

Painted porch and made a couple of signs to hang on mine openings...

Once porch mounted to rock found I was clipping it when turning corner. Add a pole to protect porch which led to making it another light.

That was fun. Plus distracted me from replacing the Fried Egg /pivoting mounds section. At this point decided to leave it for a while. In order to replace with a more technical feature-well there just isn't room.

And that's our layout...

Still plotting in the back of my head. Seen layout that had spiral step climb. That might work, contain to foot print to the fried egg section and still drive below. making a 180° to an elevated section, all on columns. Basically adding a second level. Sounds like a lot of work.

Course is fun to drive, though not as challenging as planned still entertaining so were done for now. Will be adding small details/greenery and stuff but unless something major changes...That's all folks.

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All pages of this build
Part 1 the start, layout table, Minuscule Mtn. w/ Schmidts Mine & 3 hill climbs
Part 2 build Cathedral Rock, rope bridge and Twin Arches
Part 3 Start river, expand table, small arch bridge, detailing east of the river
Part 4 Minuscule Mtn fence rock spire w/Wile E coyote, greenery and small details
Part 5 Painting walls-Nothing to do with layout progress
Part 6 Start West of riveradd small balance rocks
Part 7 (This page) Layout basically done, add dynamite shack, minor changes, future plans, 3/2024

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